Monday, August 27, 2007

LeBron's Investment: Cannondale goes urban

LeBron James, Cleveland ballar extraordinare owns a portion of Cannondale Corporation. I'm sure he makes little to no impact on the design and manufacturing of these bikes, other than the occasional custom or one-off bike produced for him and his friends.

Cannondale just "leaked" out some of their design photos of the latest Urban commuter bike which is foldable, features a single sided non-shock fork and some ridiculously cool wheels which will likely not make it to final production.

Design Sketches:

Prototype Photo:

Friday, August 24, 2007

Dry skin is not a sin

Please be kind to those around you, or those you love who you think have "dry skin" as you will witness it could be something far more serious.

Billboard of death

I'm not one to really be "up" on the absolute latest in billboard offerings throughout the country, however, i stumbled across this one online and simply had to post it.

Not only is it just deliciously risque enough to grab attention and be semi-virally spread throughout the Internet - but it's hilarious. If i had a family member die in Germany, or if i lived in that country - this billboard would be enough for me to make a stipulation in my last will and testament that i be cremated there.

Oh and get this - i found their website - not nearly as good as the billboard. Such is life (or death i suppose).

Thursday, August 9, 2007

From spark to flame

How a simple request to a coworker: "Could you please keep it down a little bit" turned into something else - completely.

Hey David,

It’s really hard to quiet everyone down around here so I use headphones and listen to music. If the noise disturbs you today must be driving you crazy as you’ve had really vocal conversations going on all around you. I know I couldn’t make it without my headphones and music….just an idea. John and I aren’t as fortunate as you with Jay, we don’t have our desks right next to each other with a little window. I find there are times when you two are in conversation that I just have to pull out my headphones and deal with the situation. I figure the noise = productivity. I myself am happy to do what I can but conversation cannot be avoided and we are often working on projects where we need to exchange data verbally from what we see on our screen. Cheers

I would say "speechless" - but that was not the case!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

PIR Debut

I had my first bike race ever last night and it was a blast. Now i know why these cyclists are so hooked to their sport, to the gear and the culture - it is fun, addictive and good for you (as long as you don't lay yourself out on the road too much).

Here's an aerial view of the PIR track - it's about 1.95 miles around.

I decided to man-up and hop in the Cat 3/4 division, which is relatively ambitious for a first bike race, but i figured my tri training and rides with Patrick and Jay would have me fit enough to at least hang in - and that was the case. I guess we were averaging around 27-28mph which is flying for that group, fast enough that we didn't get passed by the Cat 1/2/3 crew, which almost always happens.

For the most part i hung out in the back third of the pack to try and get a gauge for how people ride, be safe (even though it is NOT safe in the back) and get comfortable - oh, and NOT GET DROPPED. I only made one real move, and that was leading into the last set of curves (lower right on picture) on the last lap to try and get out in front of the group to be safe, and, you know, try to make people hurt at the end.

I popped with about 300y to the finish, but no-matter. I had a really great time and will definitely enjoy more bike racing in the future.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Cyclists understand

Fun post I did for Straub Photography

"A Straub-hosted, Nabisco-inspired note to salespeople:
You need not be slimy to be enjoyable"

At approximately 1:22pm on Thursday, August 2nd one of our favorite clients popped by the studio for a scheduled photo shoot. Making an immediate bee-line to the office of yours truly, Kristy Charrion he quickly was blocked by a Mr. David Straub with a petite, yet full Styrofoam bowl* of Nabisco(R) Wheat Thins. After a few "hellos" and some quick chit-chat our friendly, yet marvelously uncouth client confronted Mr. Straub with a shocking inquiry:

Beloved Client: "So David, are those regular Wheat Thins, or Reduced Fat?"
Mr. David Straub: (In all his eloquence, still working on a few crumbs).... "Regular, why?"

---- Now, anyone can see that the Client, who we are still quite fond of at this point as set the stage for potential disaster depending on how David is feeling that day... did he have his coffee this morning, is he perhaps a bit curious as to the nature of this question, did the client-we-like-so-much just upset the delicate balance of David's body image????? ----

Beloved Client: Just curious, don't get me wrong - i like them both, but the Reduced Fat ones just aren't as greasy and
do taste just as delicious.
Mr. David Straub: (Looking suspicious, and maybe standing a bit more upright and speaking in fluid sarcasm) uh huh,.... now, didn't you come here to shoot something?
Beloved Client: (Genuflecting, forehead to ground)... Mr. David Straub - i only meant to say that both were an excellent choice for your main-course of "lunch" today and that i find them tasty too....
Mr. David Straub: Perhaps, if we decide to let you in to our "We love our clients" party we'll serve up that special snack cracker and put your name on the bowl.... maybe. (Now you can see the trouble, all caused by the genuine love of non-greasy Wheat Thins)
Beloved Client: (Polishing David's Keen(R) sandals (which isn't necessary btw.)) That would be great, but don't go to any trouble....
Mr. David Straub: Actually, now that you mention it, i do remember the Reduced Fat Wheat Thins being quite tasty...
Beloved Client: (Relieved, wringing out sweat from handkerchief - a few tears of joy visible) They are nutritious as well.

Any spectator could plainly see that this issue of 10% caloric content created a powderkeg-like situation in the office of Ms. Kristy Charrion, if she weren't so well versed in eastern medicine and defenses (such as acupuncture & Jit-Kun-Do) as well as maintaining a "stash" of nitroglycerin, an AED and the whitehouse "Red Button" under her desk - this clearly could have elevated the national defense danger level. Thankfully the conversation moved on to the more typical stories of David Straub living in a supposed "Doublewide" and our client talking about the next triathlon he was going to race. The product shots came out beautifully, as usual and that day the only explosions at Straub involved many millions of photons in the warehouse flashbulbs.

Update: The day after...
Date: 3 August, 2007
Time: 9:07AM

During her morning rounds & inventory of photo supplies our lovely receptionist noticed thirty-seven and a half wheat thins (she's quite thorough) lodged in the insulation-lining around shooting station 11. Suspicions were confirmed when David Straub walked in with an oddly level laceration under his left eye and a bandage on his right index finger. With a smile on his face he popped into Kristy's office and said: "Got him, the Regular ones fly straight and true."

*Straub, including David Straub is very concerned with the health of our environment and normally elects not to use Styrofoam or other non-recyclable materials. In this case the bowl was a gift from a client, which we at Straub collaborative value above oxygen, so we use them over and over again - we promise... and have donated $5 to the world to offset the carbon effect of this blog post.

Straub's Website: Straub Collaborative
Blog: Straub on Blogspot

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Meese Music & The Fray

I had the great fortune of attending The Fray concert at McMenamin's Edgefield last week. Beforehand I was aware that my roommate Patrick's good friends from Ohio (who are the opening band) Meese would be staying at our place for the night before the show. After being given a copy of their CD I was pretty impressed with the polished nature and expressive lyrics - especially for a band i'd heard absolutely ZERO about.

So, here's my chance to hopefully help a band I was completely blown-away by when the opened up the show with serious gusto for The Fray.


Website: Meese Music

You can now buy their music on Itunes, which i have done to support this band, and you should all check 'em out as well, they are amazing and will be headlining their own concert series very soon, i'm sure. Get in before all your friends do - then introduce them!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A toe in the water

After submitting to my illness and allowing my body to rest, eat, and slowly recover I feel that Mono and I had a mutual understanding:

Body: "Okay Mono, i know you have to do your thing here, but please
just get it over with, don't come back and play nice while you're here".
Mono: "Look here body, I'm the new (temporary) Sheriff in town, so
what I say goes, as long as you keep your heiney on the couch,
supply me with ice cream, don't throw alcohol or other aldehydes
in my way and keep the running shoes off your feet we may just
find an amicable split after I'm done with you."
Body: "......"
Mono: "WTF, look, this isn't a negotiation - i'm just telling you how it is..."
Body: "FU, this is stupid, i'm going to eat a salad and go for a recovery spin"
Mono: "Look here, you wanna die or what? I will rupture your spleen if you cross me - i've done it plenty and have no qualms pressing the red button if you get a bit too animated with me."
Body: "No, what the hell kind of question is that?"
Mono: "Exactly, now we don't have to be friends, but let's just get along for the next 4-5 weeks."
Body: "Fine."

So yeah, that's how it went, now i'm much improved and have actually started running, biking, and swimming in a less structured manner... but DAMN it feels good to be back in it. Now it's time for a treat to get these feet in motion!

adidas adiZero Tempo - Good times with lightweight trainers